This is a collection of tweets from which I have learned hacking stuff. Here you can find tips, writeups and many resources to support your career.
my intro to syscalls. I love introductory posts =^..^= #cybersec #cybersecurity #informationsecurity #malware #malwaredev #malwareanalysis #redteam #blueteam #purpleteam #hacking #ethicalhacking #windows #winapi #win32api #programming #cpp #assembly #asm
Great summary of code execution techniques with detection recommendations, by Francisco Dominguez and Denis Nagayuk.
How could I have Hacked into any #ChatGPT account, including saved conversations, account status, chat history and more!
A tale of 4 ChatGPT vulnerabilities 👇
We can discuss it now that the #OpenAI team has confirmed it's completely fixed.
Let me explain 🤌:
Burp Suite > Proxy > Options > TLS Pass Through.
Add these:
No more noise in your logs!
Here it goes. A detailed blog on proxying your DLL loads and hiding the original callstack from userland hooks/ETW with a new set of undocumented API and some hacky tricks. Code is on my Github repository. This one was a brain buster 🔥
Red Teamers, are you tired of uploading Sysinternals PsExec.exe when doing lateral movement? Windows has a better alternative preinstalled. Try this instead:
wmic.exe /node: /user:username /password:pass process call create cmd.exe /c " command "
#redteamtips #redteam
@GuhnooPlusLinux powershell -c Invoke-WMIMethod -class Win32_Process -Name Create -ArgumentList "cmd /c net group `"Domain Admins`" /domain" -ComputerName ProdDC01
ICYMI: @_wald0 dropped a new blog post today: Passwordless Persistence and Privilege Escalation in Azure
You can read it here:
In Burp suite, configure Proxy Listener to redirect port from 80 to 443.
Profit! though some app just don't work with this method 😅
Original idea from #android #infosec
Started my journey exploring the new OffSec portal. I mean it's very intuitive if you are not used to the old one.
The problem I felt was there is no separate section to access courses you've bought.
#oscp #informationsecurity
I just published a blog post for the people that want to get into bug bounties. I hope it helps people that are thinking about doing bug bounties, but haven't started yet. It explains what to expect and how to deal with common problems / situations: